Will Zipp group, LLC buy a vehicle without a title?
The short answer is yes, Zipp Group, LLC can legally buy a vehicle without a title.
Here are some of the details...
It is possible to legally sell a vehicle without a title in GA but there are a number of conditions that must be met in order for it to be legal. The Georgia Department Of Revenue has a form called MV-1SP. If you can truthfully complete the form, it is possible for Zipp group, LLC to buy the car. This is a procedure that ONLY applies to vehicles that will be dismantled or scrapped and will never to be titled again. It is also ONLY to be used by Secondary Metals Recyclers that are registered with the National Motor Vehicle Title Identification System (NMVTIS).
Zipp Group, LLC is registered with NMVTIS, our identification number is R012417
A word of caution. Zipp group, LLC will submit the form to the Georgia Department of Revenue (as directed at the bottom of the form) and it is best to be truthful when answering the questions. The 'Owner/Seller' can end up in prison for up to three years AND be fined up to $5,000 for knowingly falsifying information on the MV-1SP.
In addition to this Zipp Group, LLC will check the VIN number with the Department of Revenue to check for liens and status of the current (missing) title.
The following must be true in order to use a form MV-1SP,
There are no security interests or liens on this vehicle
I have not obtained a Certificate of Title on this vehicle or have lost the Certificate of Title
This vehicle is 12 model years or older
For a motor vehicle, this vehicle is worth less than $850.00
For a trailer , this vehicle is worth less than $1,700.00
This vehicle will be dismantled or scrapped and never be titled again
Here's how to obtain a replacement title.
Replacement titles can be applied for at your County Tag Office. The following information is required:
A completed and signed MV-1 Title/Tag Application.
The mutilated (damaged) title, when applicable.
$8.00 replacement title fee.